The 2016 Annual General Meeting for St Andrew's will be held after the service on Sunday 2nd October. You can read the reports by clicking the link below. agm_report_2016.pdf please note: page 2 is intentionally blank
Our Annual General Meeting for 2015 will follow our church service on Sunday 11th October. You can download the reports here.
Just one week to go until our StAnd Youth stage their fundraiser variety show at the Korean Presbyterian Church in Henderson. Read about it here
Tomorrow commemorates the 100th anniversary of ANZAC Day. As we prepare to remember the many families who have been affected by conflicts, dating from that "War to end all Wars" through to the present day, our Moderator, the Rt Rev Andrew Norton, has sent the attached message for us to reflect on.
Moderator message ANZAC 2015 It has been much too long since I posted anything here but Sunday 21st September will be an eventful day for St Andrew's and worthy of promoting.
Firstly it will be a Singing Service. These services are always popular and provide an opportunity for the congregation to practice forgotten hymns, learn new ones and sing old favourites. At the end of the service we will be voting on whether or not to accept two members as Elders of our church. Parish Council has nominated Fou Purcell and Atika Tuivaiti for Eldership. After morning tea the same morning, we will hold our Annual General Meeting. The reports are available to be read in a separate posting on this page. It's that time of year again. Here is the link to our Reports for the 2014 Annual General Meeting which will be held on Sunday 21st September.
The Annual General Meeting of St Andrew's Presbyterian Church will follow the church service on Sunday 20th October 2013
A copy of the 2013 reports can be found here NEXT SUNDAY, 29th September 2013, at 9:30 a.m. we will hold a combined
service with the Henderson PIPC to dedicate the HALL FLOOR PLAQUE. The service will be followed by a light lunch. During 2011 we ‘sold’ segments of the hall floor to individuals, families and groups in order to raise money to lay the floor we have today. There was much discussion as to the best way to honour these donations and a Plaque listing the names was finally settled on. This will be dedicated and mounted next weeks special service. Reverends Fei Taule'ale'ausumai Davis and Fieta Faitala will join Rev Gary Mauga in leading the service. Blessings to all this Sunday as we remember the men who have made a difference in our lives ... our fathers, brothers, husbands, sons, uncles and friends. Happy Fathers Day to you all.
Sunday the 30th June is Census Sunday at St Andrew's when we ask all members and adherents to stand up and be counted. This has come about at the suggestion of our Faith Builders who thought it would be a fun way to learn more about the family connections in our Church. Our goal is to have the church packed to the rafters! Come along and share the fun.
All blog content © 2016 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Henderson
September 2016