Michelle Williams, one third of the multiplatinum record-selling R’n’B/soul/pop group “Destiny’s Child” has recently recorded and released a track named “Say Yes.” Since the track’s release on June 2nd of this year, it has rapidly grown in popularity. Like many others, I certainly found it quite infectious as the catchy tune, sampled from a traditional Nigerian gospel chant, is one very hard to forget after listening to it the first time! You can listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=say+yes+michelle+williams In addition to its dance-style beat, this gospel/pop genre hit has quite affirming lyrics. “When Jesus Say ‘Yes’ Nobody Can Say ‘No’” provides this repetitive chorus. With such lyrics, listeners are encouraged “not to worry about a thing” for the Lord is “guiding me.” The track easily draws the ears and hearts of the vulnerable. It really is an affirmation for the insecure, the confused, the unsure as well as the praiseful. A feel good song when you need one. There is also plenty of truth in this song: in Jesus there are no longer boundaries or limitations (i.e Philippians 4:13 - “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”; Isaiah 41:10 – “Do not fear, for I am with you”; Romans 6:18 – “You have been set free from sin.”). This song will be a great encouragement for many in years to come! After reflecting on this song and its lyrics, it has highlighted for me, another important truth: Jesus also says “No.” Does He? Well, there are clear boundaries Jesus sets for himself – boundaries that are set as examples for us to follow. Despite being in the privileged yet very hectic position of ministering to large crowds, often for long periods throughout the day, Jesus identified the need to rest (Luke 5:16; Mark 6:45-46). For Jesus, his withdrawal from the busyness of ministry was in a sense saying, “No.” Jesus’ earthly ministry after all, meant that he too, would experience the physical and mental impact of the demands of work. Jesus was also clear to say “No” to the unsuccessful attempts of the Devil in the desert (Luke 4:1-13). We can be misled to believe that Jesus enables a “YES” attitude in all aspects of life. Yes – Jesus brings renewal, forgiveness and reconciliation. Yes – Jesus enables eternal life to those who will believe. Yes – Jesus has provided the Way to the Father. Jesus says “Yes” we can do ANYTHING. But, Jesus also says, “No” we can’t do EVERYTHING. Yet, we still find it difficult to say “No.” Jesus says “No” to temptation. Yet, we still say “YES.” Personally, I know my schedule can sometimes look like a messy crossword - yet I still say, “YES” to people. Before I know it, I have let someone down – or failed to show - as a result of not learning from Jesus – and being able to say “No” where “Yes” is not needed. And YOU? When Jesus says, “NO” – are you still saying “YES”? It’s not healthy. If Jesus set boundaries around his own well-being – what makes us think we don’t need to? Blessings Rev. Gary Mauga
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Talofa lava,
Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We’ve been taught throughout the years that “actions speak louder than words.” The Christian faith is generally manifested through our “living out” our new identities in Christ. Throughout Scripture, namely the Gospels, Jesus provides examples of what embodying the characteristics of Christian faith may look like. Our response to Jesus’ teachings is one of action. Actions speak louder than words. However, sometimes we need a break from all the action – all the movement. Psalm 23:2 teaches us that often we need to lie still. “He maketh me down to lie in green pastures” assures us that there times when God intends for us to rest and enjoy simply being in his presence. Doing so, exercises our trust and faith that the world continues to grow in God’s hands – even when we, ourselves are not “working.” Whether it be “doing things” for God, or perhaps taking care of family business, or in our work places and churches – God makes time for us lie still and enjoy his presence. How else will we notice the green pastures if we are too busy “doing and actioning”? Enjoying being still in God does not make you less a Christian, rather it enables you to draw close to our God who loves us and seeks to grow us beyond Christianity itself. Due for a holiday? Due for a family getaway? Need to lie still? I do. See you all in two weeks! Blessings, Rev. Gary Mauga |
Rev. Gary MaugaThoughts and comments by our minister, Gary. This page content © 2016
Rev. Gary Mauga Archives
August 2015